Ellisons Solicitors represented a claimant who was left with multiple serious injuries following a road traffic accident in Essex and helped them to recover over £800,000 in compensation.

The individual was injured when a driver lost control of his large vehicle and collided with the claimant’s car. As a result of the collision, the claimant’s car was crushed and the claimant suffered numerous serious injuries.

The claimant suffered multiple skull fractures and an acute traumatic brain injury requiring months of hospital care. Several surgical procedures had to be performed.  The cognitive effects of this accident significantly impaired the claimant’s speech, vision, hearing, balance and mental stamina.

During the six-year case, Ellisons Solicitors were able to secure interim payments to fund private rehabilitative treatment from a range of therapists and to support the client with their financial difficulties.

The claimant worked exceptionally hard with a range of therapists in physiotherapy, speech therapy, psychotherapy and occupational therapy and, as a result, managed to make a very good recovery. Nevertheless, they will be left with significant and permanent ongoing symptoms and, whilst they have developed excellent coping strategies to help deal with these, they have had to go through a process of grieving their ‘old self’ in order to then look at rebuilding their life.

Stevan Stratton, Head of Ellisons’ Claimant Personal Injury team said: “The claimant has suffered life-changing injuries and they and their family have been through an extremely distressing ordeal both in the recovery process but also in the legal process of pursuing the defendant’s insurer for compensation.  Therefore, it was crucial for this claimant to have legal representation to ensure that all the necessary medical and employment expert evidence was obtained to allow for an accurate assessment of damages whilst also ensuring that the much needed and intense programme of rehabilitative treatment was funded and arranged”.

“Before the incident, the claimant was in good health and balanced parental responsibilities with work commitments. The injuries suffered by the claimant meant that every aspect of their life has been affected. However, the determination shown by this claimant and their commitment to rehabilitation was exceptional and crucial to the level of recovery made.”

At a Joint Settlement Meeting, Ellisons were able to negotiate an overall settlement of just under £850,000 on behalf of the claimant, six months before trial. This was over four times more than the defendant insurer’s original offer made three years after the accident.

As the Defendant contested this claim for six years, we can be almost certain that this is an outcome the claimant would not have been able to achieve without early expert legal advice.

Following the settlement, the claimant said that they already felt as if a huge weight had been lifted and that they were now able to look forward and focus on how they were going to rebuild their life and look after their family.

The Ellisons’ Claimant Personal Injury team is available to guide you through the process of reviewing your claim, securing private medical treatment and rehabilitation wherever needed and to recover the compensation you are entitled to.