The Governments of the UK & India have announced the introduction of the Young Professionals Scheme (YPS) which will allow eligible nationals of each country to work and study in the other country for up to two years. In terms of travel to the UK, the eligibility criteria includes the applicant being aged between 18 and 30, holding at least a Bachelors degree and having savings of at least £2,530.00. The applicant must also not have nay children. Indian nationals will need to enter a lottery system and 2,400 applicants can be selected per ballot.

It is important to bear in mind that Indian nationals who are successful in the ballot will only have 30 days from the date of selection to file their visa application online and pay their application fee. They will also need to make a contribution towards the UK National Health Service by paying the Home Office’s Immigration Health Surcharge. The payment required will be £940.00.

For advice on this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact Sohan Sidhu.