Mortgages and Remortgages



Lead Contacts


Charlene Boyaram

Legal Director, Solicitor

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Carly Callaghan

Legal Director, Solicitor

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Practical advice and technical expertise

Financing or refinancing a property will start by you approaching your lender or mortgage broker.  Once you have been accepted for the loan, the Lender will issue an offer of mortgage.  It will be a requirement that a solicitor is instructed to deal with the process.  Ellisons are on the panel of all the main lenders and many subsidiary lenders.  When you receive your offer of mortgage,  Ellisons will also receive from the lender a duplicate offer and instructions from the mortgage lender to act on their behalf.

How we can help


Our role will be to consider the legal title on behalf of the lender, which may include a search of the local authority.  Report back to the lender and yourself upon the documents, including arranging for you to sign the mortgage deed. We shall also call for and receive the mortgage advance.  Where there is an existing mortgage, we will repay this at completion of the new mortgage.  Finally we will apply to the Land Registry to register the new mortgage and deal with the discharge of any existing loans and provide you and the lender with the updated title document.

There maybe a  private mortgage/remortgage , with for instance a family member/friend.  In such cases we would be able to assist in advising and preparing the necessary documents.

Ellisons Residential team are highly experienced in dealing with these matters.  This means that we are able to guide you through the process with the minimum of fuss.




Get in touch

If you have any enquiries and would like to discuss further or get a quote please fill out this contact form. You can also contact your lawyer individually from ‘Our People’ using the link below.

Our People

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